JavaScript Interview Preparation Links

Preparing for a JavaScript interview can be daunting, but having the right resources can make a significant difference. Below is a list of helpful external links that cover various aspects of JavaScript interview questions.

General JavaScript Knowledge

  • MDN Web Docs: Comprehensive documentation and tutorials on JavaScript.
  • A modern tutorial from the basics to advanced topics.
  • Eloquent JavaScript: A book providing an in-depth look at JavaScript, available for free online.

Coding Practice

  • LeetCode: A platform with a wide range of coding problems, including many focused on JavaScript.
  • HackerRank: Practice problems and tutorials specifically for JavaScript.
  • Codewars: A community-driven platform with coding challenges to improve your JavaScript skills.

Algorithms and Data Structures

  • GeeksforGeeks: Articles and tutorials on algorithms and data structures.
  • Interview Cake: Focused on preparing for coding interviews, including JavaScript examples.
  • AlgoExpert: A platform with video explanations and coding problems.

System Design

Behavioral Interview Preparation

  • Big Interview: A platform with resources for behavioral interview preparation.
  • The Muse: Tips and examples for answering behavioral interview questions.

Additional Resources

  • JavaScript Weekly: A weekly newsletter with the latest news and articles about JavaScript.
  • Frontend Masters: Courses and workshops on JavaScript and front-end development.
  • You Don't Know JS: A book series diving deep into JavaScript, available for free on GitHub.

By utilizing these resources, you can enhance your knowledge and skills, making you well-prepared for any JavaScript interview.

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