De-Duplicate a String


Remove duplicate characters from a given string. Return the string with the duplicates removed.


Here are a few examples to illustrate how the removeDups function works:

Example 1

Input: AaBbCcDdEeFf Output: ABCDEF

Example 2

Input: Mississippi Output: Misp

Example 3

Input: Hello World Output: Helo Wrd


The example solution provided demonstrates a function called removeDups that removes duplicate characters from a given string while preserving the first occurrence of each character, regardless of its case. The function converts the string into an array of characters, then uses a filter to iterate through the array. It keeps track of characters that have already been seen using an object, ensuring that only the first instance of each character is included in the final result. The filtered array is then joined back into a string and returned.

Remove Duplicates

  removeDups = (str) => {
    const userArr = str.split('')
    let seen = {}

    return userArr.filter((item) => {
      const sameCase = item.toLowerCase()
      return seen.hasOwnProperty(sameCase) ?
        (seen[sameCase] = true)

An alternative solution called findDups returns the duplicate characters from a given string. The function converts the string into an array of characters, then iterates through the array using a forEach loop. It checks if each character appears again later in the array and if it hasn't already been added to the results. If both conditions are met, the character is added to the results array. The results array is then joined back into a string and returned.

Find Duplicates

  findDups = (str) => {
    let userStr = str.split('')
    let results = []

    userStr.forEach((element, index) => {
      if(userStr.indexOf(element, index + 1) > -1){
        if(results.indexOf(element) === -1){
    return results.join('')

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